$100 Discount on the BioMat Professional – Do I qualify?
The retail price for the BioMat Professional is $1950. However, there is a $100 manufacturer discount available if you meet any of the following conditions:
Health-Related Training
Any health-related training qualifies you for this discount. It can be something simple like yoga teacher training, or something more involved like having a state license to perform body work, or a medical degree. Many people qualify for this discount without realizing it. If you aren’t sure whether you qualify, please contact us by phone or email and we can assist.
If you have a state license in a healing profession, then you may claim the discount with no additional steps, as we can verify online. Otherwise, please send us a photo of your training certificate or diploma via email.
First Responders
First responders include law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs and medics. Once your order is complete, please supply proof of training or employment by taking a photo of the relevant document and emailing it to us. Usually a first responder picture ID can serve as sufficient documentation. Or if you have a license number, you can just supply us with the number.
United States residents only. If you were part of the armed forces, you qualify for the discount. Any of the following documents are accepted as proof of veteran status: DD Form 214, WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78PD, or NAVCG 553. A picture ID that demonstrates veteran status can usually suffice as well.
***If you meet any of these three conditions, please select the lower ($1850) price when adding the BioMat Professional to your cart. You may send accompanying photos to us at your convenience.