Risk-Free Trial
Any items purchased from our store may be returned for a full refund, for any reason, within 30 days of delivery. We do not impose restocking fees, but we do ask our customers to cover the cost of return shipping. The only exception is the Queen and King size BioMats, because they are less popular, and more difficult to re-sell. For those items, the return must be arranged within 7 days of delivery to guarantee full refund.
Most people fall in love with our products right away. But in some cases, a longer evaluation period is needed, and that is totally fine. Please contact us if you need to arrange a longer evaluation period, or if you are ready to return your products. We will provide return authorization and instructions via email.
We encourage our customers to use the products at least a few times, even if they expect to return it for a full refund. We are always happy to assist, troubleshoot, and cooperate on these matters. If you are considering a return for full refund, please let us know so that we may help.